Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Entertainment Weekly


Leslie Jones makes guests sign a form to get in her pool to prevent them from peeing in it

"I don't let nobody get in my pool," Jones quipped.

By Maureen Lee Lenker  Published on July 2, 2024 06:16PM EDT


Leslie Jones takes her pool hygiene seriously.


The former Saturday Night Live cast member explained her strict policies surrounding her swimming pool while appearing on the Howie Mandel Does Stuff podcast. "My whole pool is a bath," she explained, noting that she keeps the water temperature quite high. "I'm kind of a germaphobe like you. Plus, I don't let nobody get in my pool, and you have to sign something to get in my pool."


Mandel and other guests, including his daughter Jacqueline Schultz, questioned Jones. "You have, like, an NDA for your pool?" asked Schultz.


But Jones explained the reasoning behind her pre-plunge paperwork. "Because people pee in your pool," she continued. "Let me explain something to you. People don't know what their ass or their d--- or p---- does in hot water until it is emerged. My [pool] is 104 degrees. If you step into a hot pool, you don't know if you're gonna fart automatically. You don't know if that s--- gonna make you p---. I make people go to the bathroom. I make them take a shower before they get in my s---."


Jones is also serious about banning people not just from her pool, but from her company if they break their contract. " I tell them, 'If you pee in my pool, that means you will pee in my life. Get the f-- out,'" she said. "I could count how many people has been in my pool."


One question remained about this policy, however, which is how does Jones know if someone breaks the rule? No, she doesn't fill her pool with a special chemical that exposes the culprit. "I just know," she insisted. "They have that look on their face. Every time I go to a pool, I could tell where somebody's peeing. It's a dead look."


But while she may have strict guidelines around her private pool, Jones is going to be spending a lot of time around an Olympic-sized pool this summer when she returns to NBC as the chief super-fan commentator of the Paris 2024 Summer Games.


Perhaps she'll be less concerned about pool hygiene if she's too busy screaming Katie Ledecky's name.

AH: I wouldn't get in her pool because 104 degrees is too hot for me. I wouldn't even go in a hot tub     temperature.

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