Thursday, March 6, 2025




A Woman Pooped Her Pants on a Date. How Her Date Responded Determined Their Future (Exclusive)

By Meredith Wilshere  Published on March 2, 2025 04:30AM EST


One woman is breaking down exactly what happened on a date that did not go as expected


In a viral TikTok video, which has garnered more than 9.4 million views, Sophia Panella explains how on a date with her now-fiancé, she realized something was wrong.


"We got sandwiches from one of our favorite local spots, and we were going to watch the sunset with blankets in the back of the car. The sun was setting, and we started eating. I felt completely fine, and my stomach was not upset," Panella told PEOPLE Magazine.


Panella describes how this was the 10th date they were going on together, and she felt well leading up to it. However, "I take one bite of my sandwich and let a little toot out. I didn't think anything of it. Then all of a sudden, it felt off. I moved, and then I knew. In my head, I'm thinking I just pooped my pants, so I do a little sniff test."


" 'Oh my God,' I said out loud, 'I just pooped my pants.' He's laughing and says, 'No, you didn't,' " she adds.


"I got out of the car. I was in a one-piece camo jumpsuit, so it was all trapped in there. I ripped the whole thing off on the side of the road because I was not gonna sit in my own poop."


Panella admits she freaked out when she fully realized what was happening. Thankfully, her now-fiancé is a first responder and has seen much worse. He sprung into action and used blankets to cover her up. He took his response cues from Panella: when she was silent, he was silent; when she laughed, he laughed. Panella called her mom and told her what happened, then drove home to shower and get clean. The date ended, and she picked up the nickname "poopy butt" from her friends and family.


As for her date, he clearly wasn't deterred by this embarrassing moment. Panella applauded him for how he responded, appreciating how he wasn't scared away and didn't make fun of her when it was happening.


"I said, 'You're stuck with me now, this is it. This is forever.' Now we're happily engaged six-and-a-half years later," she shares.


"Anytime I say, 'My stomach is upset' he'll respond, 'Okay, poopy butt.' It's just one of those things we have, and even now, I call him that sometimes too," she adds.


The two of them can laugh about the incident now. "It's an inside joke with us now, too. I'll say, 'Hey, remember when I pooped my pants on a date?' He'll say, 'I'll never forget that.' "


Panella says they even plan to incorporate what she calls the "toot heard 'round the world" as a part of a story for their wedding. "If anyone will say anything, it will probably be my mom," she adds.

Saturday, March 1, 2025


New York Post


Mom defends reusable toilet paper as ‘budget-friendly’ hack — and even calls it ‘clean’

By Lauren Robinson, Kidspot

Published Feb. 4, 2025, 1:15 p.m. ET


Originally Published by: Kidspot


A mother’s budget-friendly hack is kicking up quite the stink online.


A woman who goes by the name Jazmine online set up her camera to show how her family of six share reusable clothes instead of traditional toilet paper.


“It’s really actually more common than you would think,” she claims.


“They’re clean”


While restocking the wicker basket that she stores on the top of the bathroom lid, she busted common myths about the sustainable practice on TikTok.


“There’s a lot of people asking if we use the same one and technically yes, but not at the same time. We wash them. You use one and you put it in the dirty bin,” she explained.


“Technically everyone is still going to use it, but they’re clean. It’s like a clean towel.”


Her explanation of the process has left little room for any doubt.


“You bidet first, you pat dry, and it goes in the bin,” she detailed.


She also called out the naysayers. 


“It’s not dirty. It’s just what people want to call it, because they’re not familiar with it,” she defended.


Recently, the family went through more towels than usual, which meant two loads of laundry.


The culprit.


Taco Bell.


“It really did not settle well. So everybody was fighting over the reusable toilet paper,” she said.


“As a family of six, it can be quite difficult to keep it going, but we have a lot. I like to keep it stocked.”


In her opinion, there’s zero difference between wiping with a cloth and using a towel after a shower.


“It’s been such a game changer. You’re so much cleaner when you use a bidet,” she said. 


The comment section was rattled to say the least.


“The sigh of relief at the word bidet,” one joked.


“I’m all for saving money but that’s where I’d draw the line,” another argued.


“The way my mouth immediately closed when you said bidet and then immediately opened when you said Taco Bell. This was an emotional rollercoaster,” a third added. 


But what if nature calls for more than one towel?


Well, the mom has a mess-free solution, keeping a large towel beneath the smaller towels.


“I forbid using more than one towel at one use. If you’re really having tummy problems you get to use the big towel,” she explained. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025




Man Says His Girlfriend ‘Was in Tears’ After He Left Hotel Room to Use Lobby Toilet, Avoid Stinking Up Their Bathroom

He wrote on Reddit that she cried because she worried about “why I didn’t tell her I was going” and “if someone broke in”

By Brian Anthony Hernandez  Published on February 15, 2025 06:00AM EST


A Reddit user is “really confused” after seeing his girlfriend cry over something he thought was a considerate gesture during a recent trip together.


The 24-year-old man wrote on the social media platform's “Am I the A------” forum on Feb. 7 that he left their hotel room for roughly 30 minutes one morning to use a toilet in the lobby in order to avoid stinking up their shared hotel bathroom before his 23-year-old girlfriend took her daily shower.


“I am currently on a weekend away with my girlfriend,” the man began his post. “I was really excited and planned this trip as a surprise, and she absolutely loved our first night out. I took her for dinner, then we watched a live musical, before heading back to the hotel.”


The dinner seemingly led to a less-than-ideal situation for him the next day.


“I woke up at around 6 a.m. needing to use the toilet *really* badly,” he added. “I'm talking, my stomach was making those super bad noises that usually indicate I’m going to stink the bathroom out for a few hours.”


The Redditor then noted that he “snuck out to use the lobby toilet” because he didn’t want “to make the bathroom smell really bad,” so his girlfriend could start her day with a fresh-smelling bathroom.


“I was probably gone a good half hour, but when I came back my girlfriend was in tears. Crying about me leaving, saying what if someone broke in, why I didn’t tell her I was going, what if something happened while I was gone, to me or her,” he recalled.


“I was really confused by the reaction and explained that I would have made the place smell really bad, and didn't want to ruin her morning with literal ‘s---,’ ” he continued. “She didn’t really care, and insisted I should have woken her up, left a note [or] just gone in our bathroom.”


Baffled, the man asked Redditors, “AITA [am I the a------] for leaving our hotel room to use the lobby toilet?” He added, “Am I missing something? I don't understand … Am I being oblivious to something really obvious?”


Within 72 hours after posing his questions, he received more than 1,700 responses, with the consensus being he’s “NTA [not the a------].”


“NTA. Your GF's reaction was over the top,” the user with the most upvoted comment said. “Could she not have called you? It sounds like you were trying to be very considerate of her needs here by not taking up the bathroom forever and stinking up the joint.”


“I'd be re-evaluating the relationship,” they added. “Do you need a partner who melts down at the unexpected and wants you to be glued to her 24/7 unless you’re keeping her posted as to your whereabouts at all times?”


Most Redditors agreed, and some also offered a simple remedy.


“While [he] probably should have texted her when he disappeared for half an hour, her thumbs work too,” another person wrote. “I accidentally disappear on my husband like this sometimes, and he just texts, ‘Where did you go?’ No tears involved.”

Monday, February 10, 2025


Came across this brand just now. Looks pretty neat. 


Here's the "Breakfast Television" piece about this interesting and innovative business.

Why did no one think of this before?

Glad these girls are helping to break down the stigma, just like I do in this space. 

And now, here's Marlow!


Last Sunday night, while searching for things in order to satisfy curiosities brought on by all the talk of tarriffs, I found out there is a Canadian brand of disposable diaper. Produced starting only about a year ago and under the same brand name as the toilet paper and facial tissue, here is what comes up in a Google search for Royale diapers. 

Monday, January 13, 2025


How is it that five years after the scamdemic kids who went through this planned tragedy are still not toilet trained? 

Friday, January 3, 2025


New York Post


United passenger ‘banned’ from airline after peeing on another flyer: ‘Soaked from his stomach down’

By Brooke Steinberg

Published Jan. 3, 2025, 1:37 p.m. ET


This plane passenger pissed off a lot of people.


United Airlines has banned a man from flying on their aircraft for allegedly urinating on another passenger.


Jerome Gutierrez was traveling in business class on UA Flight 189 from San Francisco International Airport (SFO) to Manila, Philippines, on Dec. 27 when a man got up from his seat about four hours into the flight and began peeing on him, his stepdaughter said.


“He was asleep and buckled in and was surprised when he looked at the man and thought he was dreaming,” Nicole Cornell, Gutierrez’s stepdaughter, told SFGATE.


After the pee perp finished his business, “Jerome realized he was soaked from his stomach down [to his feet] in that man’s urine.”


The Bay Area resident remained sitting in his “soaked” clothes for eight more hours after the incident.


United Airlines flight attendants asked Gutierrez “not to approach the man in fear that there would be a confrontation and he would become violent,” Cornell shared.


“They put the needs of the airline before my stepdad‘s health,” Cornell exclaimed. “I am so disgusted and in shock with how United Airlines handled this! That is a biohazard, and the plane should’ve turned around to address this issue.”


She added that the man who urinated on her stepfather apologized and begged him “not to press charges.”


A spokesperson for United Airlines confirmed to The Post that there was “a passenger disturbance” on the flight in question and that the passenger had been “banned.”


“On December 28 we asked police to meet our flight when it arrived in Manila to address a passenger disturbance. We have banned this passenger,” they said.

AH: No wonder I have no desire to fly anywhere.

Why did the perp do it?


New York Post


Pooping is good for your brain: Using the toilet before mental tests improves performance, according to new study

By Tracy Swartz

Published Jan. 3, 2025, 4:19 p.m. ET


When preparing for a big test or athletic event, try to take a load off.


A new, small study found that triathletes performed better on a cognitive test that simulates the experience of rapid decision-making in sports when they pooped beforehand.


The 13 participants took the Stroop test three times a week apart — the first time without pooping beforehand, the second time an hour after going to the bathroom and the third time with the help of a magnesium oxide laxative.


“Stroop test performance was improved in all (100%, 13/13) of the participants after magnesium-induced defecation and most (69%, 9/13) of the participants after non-magnesium-induced defecation,” the international team of researchers wrote in the new issue of the Sports Medicine and Health Science journal.


In the Stroop test, participants were presented with color words printed in different ink colors (like “red” written in green ink) and told to quickly name the color.


Researchers from the Institute for Systems Biology say a fiber-rich diet, adequate hydration and regular exercise are key to reaching the "Goldilocks" zone of pooping once or twice a day.


The study authors used the results to measure their selective attention and mental judgment.


The researchers previously found that going No. 2 greatly improved cycling performance and increased blood supply to the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain where decisions are made.


They used this study to show that pooping gives your body more energy to spend on cognition and exercise intensity.


They linked better performance on the Stroop test to a significant increase in oxygen consumption in the area below the belly button post-poop. There was less of an effect on the prefrontal brain.


The researchers theorized that the enteric nervous system surrounding the rectum may play a role in immediate cognitive tasks by sending signals to the brain based on conditions in the gut. This describes what’s commonly known as a “gut feeling.”


But “the most striking finding” is the “unequivocal improvement” of the participants who took the magnesium supplement to poop. Magnesium oxide, which is available over the counter in tablets or powder, draws water into the intestines, softening stool and relieving constipation.


“Magnesium by itself might independently influence the interaction between the rectum and the brain,” the study authors wrote. “This observation aligns with a previous study where magnesium consumption over a period of six weeks significantly alleviated depressive symptoms.”


The researchers recommend pooping 60 to 90 minutes before the big event for better, faster and smarter decision-making.


They are calling for larger experiments to confirm their findings and more research into how the composition of our gut bacteria, our hunger level and the timing of our meals affect mental clarity.


The connection between the rectum and brain was highlighted in a 2023 study that linked chronic constipation — defined as having bowel movements every three days or more — to poorer cognitive function.


If you’re having trouble answering the call of nature, experts suggest a diet that’s high in fiber and polyphenol foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, plenty of water every day and regular exercise.